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Heather Marschalek, MS Student (2014-Present)
E-Mail: llanashr@gmail.com
Description: Ornithology, Ecology, Conservation
Research Interests: I am interested in research that will improve the efficiency and cost effectiveness of wildlife conservation. I am mainly interested in birds and believe focusing on community level research is very important to the future of conservation and restoration efforts.
Education: BS in Wildlife Ecology (2007) University of Wisconsin-Madison; MS in Biology- Ecology (2014-present) San Diego State University.
Professional Experience: Scientific Aid for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (2013-2014); Wildlife Technician for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (2010-2012); Research Assistant for the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2007-2009).
Related Projects: Grassland Birds
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Kyle Rice, MS Student (2014-Present)
E-Mail: kylerice42@gmail.com
Description: Human Impact Ecology, Conservation Ecology, Land Use/Resource Management
Research Interests: I have a broad range of research interests with the two most prominent being: 1) The assessment of human impact in designated recreation use areas, and 2) Future land/resource conservation methods. Ideally, my graduate research at SDSU will incorporate both topics however a decision between the two is likely.
Education: BS in Biology (2013) San Diego State University; MS in Biology- Ecology (2014-present) San Diego State University.
Professional Experience: Quality Assurance Technician, White Labs Inc. (2012-present); Research Assistant with the Deutschman Lab at SDSU (2012-2013).
Related Projects: San Diego Thornmint-Weed Competition
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Kalee Koeslag, MS Student (2015-Present)
E-Mail: kaleekoeslag@gmail.com
Description: Conservation Ecology, Restoration Ecology, Land Management, Ornithology
Research Interests: I am interested in conservation and ecological restoration that is very applicable and in need. I am very interested in wildlife management/monitoring but more to measure the success of the habitat management.
Education: BS in Zoology (2014) University of California Santa Barbara; MS in Biology-Ecology (2015-present) San Diego State University.
Professional Experience: Bat Biologist Assistant for San Diego Natural History Museum (2015-present); Research Assistant-Arthropods with Deutschman Lab at SDSU (2015); Plant Biological Technician for USDA Forest Service (2014-2015); Pathways Biological Technician for USDA Forest Service (2013).
Related Projects: Goldspotted Oak Borer and Oak Woodlands
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Paige Anderson, MS Student (2015-Present)
E-Mail: planders1190@gmail.com
Description: Ecology, Wetlands, Soils, Climate Change, Restoration, Conservation, Public Outreach
Research Interests: I am interested in research that studies the impacts of climate change on the ecology of wetlands--specifically hydrophytes and hydric soils--and am interested in encouraging public involvement in restoration and conservation efforts.
Education: BS in Environmental Management and Protection (2012) Cal Poly San Luis Obispo; MS in Biology-Ecology (2015-present) San Diego State University.
Professional Experience: Water and Energy Associate at Environmental Science Associates (2012-Present); Environmental/Technical Analyst at Douglas Wood & Associates, Inc. (2011-2012).
Related Projects: To be determined
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Daniel Marschalek, Postdoctoral Researcher
E-Mail: dmarschalek@mail.sdsu.edu
Description: Entomology, Ecology, Conservation
Research Interests: I am interested in ecological research designed to answer questions important to management and conservation of native species. My primary focus is on butterflies and blister beetles, but I also have interests in other insect groups and birds. See the "Related Projects" link for specific information.
Education: BS in Entomology (1998) University of Wisconsin-Madison; BS in Wildlife Ecology (1998) University of Wisconsin-Madison; MS in Biology- Ecology Program (2005) San Diego State University; PhD in Entomology (2013) University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Professional Experience: Postdoctoral Researcher for the Institute for Ecological Monitoring and Management , San Diego State University (2013-present). Scientific Aid for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (2000-2013). Research Assistant for the Ecology Program of the Department of Biology, San Diego State University (2010-2012).
Links: | CV |
Related Projects: | Hermes Copper | Harbison's Dun Skipper | Laguna Mtn. Skipper | Blister Beetles | Goldspotted Oak Borer | Arthropod Ecosystem Service |
PhD Students
Sarah McCullough Hennessy
Linking burrowing owl population change to interactions with a fossorial ecosystem engineer, the California ground squirrel.
Jessica Braswell
Response of the small mammal community to natural and anthropogenic disturbances.
Marie Moreau
Ecotoxicology and temporal trends of arsenic and selenium in a saline and eutrophic lake in California.
Jennifer Lansing
Diversity and abundance of microrhizal assemblages in different ecosystems.
MS Students
Andrew Smith
Population demographics of Ceanothus verrucosus at Cabrillo National Monument, San Diego, California.
Julia Groebner
Does ecological restoration work? A study of the long-term effectiveness of restoration projects in southern California.
Emily Howe
Grassland restoration techniques on San Clemente Island, California.
Julia Jesu Hoopes
The role of fine-scale habitat features on nest placement and nest fate within California least tern (Sternula antillarum browni) colonies.
Benito Lo
Soil composition and function as insight for understanding native grassland restoration success.
Julie Simonsen-Marchant
Optimizing a multi-species monitoring program: A case study for birds in agroecosystem.
Alissa Brown
Small mammal seed preference in coastal sage scrub communities: new technologies, new insights.
Kellie Uyeda
Abiotic limitation of invasive plants in the high salt marsh transition zone.
Wendy Kozlowski
Pigment derived phytoplankton composition along the western Antarctic Peninsula.
A. Laurie Harvey
California brown pelican nesting parameters, prey distributions, and oceanographic conditions from 1986-2005.
Paul Schuette
Carnivore community response to a large wildfire in San Diego County, California.
Mark Mendelsohn
Occurrence of the greater roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) in fragmented southern California habitat patches.
Spring Strahm
Spatial pattern and invasion before and after fire in California coastal sage scrub.
Daniel Marschalek
Factors influencing population viability of Hermes copper (Lycaena hermes).
Elizabeth Reynolds
American three-toed woodpecker response to spatial patterns of burn severity and prey availability.
Kevin Cummins
Factors in the control of parasite populations that have abundant hosts: Cuscuta salina in the salt marsh.
Jeannie Yu
Influence of social organization on scatterhoarding in the Steller's jay (Cyanocitta stelleri).
John Chalekian
Pattern and process in a California sage scrub (CSS) community: The effects of local interactions.
Zach Principe
Factors affecting Engelmann oak (Quercus engelmannii) regeneration.
Bonnie Peterson
The effects of nest concealment, habitat edge and adjacent land use on nest predation of the least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus).
Kristen Ward
Episodic colonization of an intertidal mudflat by cordgrass (Spartina foliosa) at Tijuana Estuary.
Spring Strahm
Julia Jesu Hoopes
Beth Jamie