Welcome to the Deutschman Lab

I am a mathematical ecologist who works on questions in ecology, conservation, and applied biostatistics. My quantitative training in mathematics, computational sciences, and ecology allows me to support two kinds of research. One area of my work concentrates on fundamental questions in mathematical ecology e.g. population dynamics, scaling, global climate change, and biodiversity. A second area of my work addresses more applied questions about monitoring and management of species, communities, and ecosystems. Much of this work is motivated by the Endangered Species Act and regional conservation plans developed under the federal Habitat Conservation Plan and the California Natural Communities Conservation Program.

My teaching includes Biology 215 (Introduction to Biostatistics, lower division undergraduate), Biology 597A (Biostatistics, mixed upper division undergraduate and graduate students), Biology 606 (Advanced Biostatistics, graduate students), Biology 535 (Plant Ecology, mixed upper division undergraduate and graduate students) and Biology 645/745 (Theory and Principles of Ecology, graduate students).

In the past 15 years at SDSU, I have graduated 21 MS students and 4 PhD students. To learn more about my graduate students, recent publications and grants, and my training, download my CV.

[updated November 2016]

Dr. Douglas Deutschman
Department of Biology
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Dr.
San Diego, CA 92182
(619) 594-0859